For Seafarers

Do you not agree with our assessment of your case?

If you do not agree with our assessment or are you dissatisfied with the way you have been treated, so call or write to us. If we can come to an agreement in this way, it is quicker and easier for both parts.

If we cannot reach an agreement?

If the matter involves a work injury, your case will then be handed over to the Labour Market Insurance for a decision. We pay the costs for the processing of your case with the Labour Market Insurance.

Complaints relating to our handling of the case

If your complain relates to the way, we have treated you or your case, we will assess your case afresh. We ask you to state, what you are dissatisfied with and what you would like to achieve.

It is not guaranteed, that a new assessment will lead to a different result, but it is guaranteed that we will assess your case a second time.

You can contact our complaint officer here:

Danish Shipowners’ Accident Insurance Association
Att.: Jacob Munch

Amaliegade 33B, 2nd floor
DK-1256 Copenhagen K

Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (please state ‘complaint’ in the subject field)
Telephone: +45 3360 2701

Complaints relating to the decision of the Labour Market Insurance

If you do not agree with the Labour Market Insurance’s decision of your case, you can complain to them about the decision. The guidelines for complaining are to be found in the decision of the Labour Market Insurance. Any possible costs for the processing of the complaint by the Labour Market Insurance are covered by us.

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About UFDS

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The Danish Shipowners’ Accident Insurance Association (UFDS)