For Christiania Shipping and Captain Preben Kodbøl of chemical tanker Susanne ...
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Safety is always in the back of the mind on the Aeroe-ferries, where safe sail...
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For the crew in the engine room at Sea Challenger, safety is something that re...
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The UFDS recently carried out this year's general assembly, where chairman Lar...
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For Deme Group, accident prevention is very much about creating a healthy and ...
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Volunteerism is at the core of the operation of the Danish Sea Rescue Society,...
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This year's general assembly of UFDS will be held on Tuesday 23 April 2024 at ...
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Kia Sandorf Pluszek has joined the claims management team at UFDS. She has six...
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The Danish Parliament has adopted a number of amendments to the Workers' Compe...
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A jack-up rig is not like most other vessels on the seas, and for shipping com...
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The Danish Shipowners’ Accident Insurance Association (UFDS)