A traumatic experience as a seafarer settles in the body physically as well as...
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ForSea's ferries shuttle between Elsinore and Helsingborg 365 days a year, and...
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For the first time in 18 years, new workers' compensation rules are on the way...
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The insurance premium for 2023 increases by five percent on average for the me...
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As one of Northern Europe's largest passenger liners, DFDS has extensive proce...
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By updating the rules on when occupational injuries must be reported to the re...
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Esvagt's mission is to make the sea a safe place to work, whether it is on shi...
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For towing company NH Towage, safety in everyday life is most of all about emp...
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A ruling of the Danish Supreme Court has upheld UFDS and Skuld in a case conce...
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It has become safer to work at sea during the recent years. The number of repo...
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The Danish Shipowners’ Accident Insurance Association (UFDS)